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Brief: Dismantling Social Barriers to Family Planning Use: Tékponon Jikuagou in Benin

Acknowledging that decades of programming to promote greater access to information and services have not closed the gap between unmet and met need, Tékponon Jikuagou guides communities to shift social norms surrounding family planning and leads to new ideas, attitudes, and behaviors that support family planning use.

Pilot results showed that exposure to Tékponon Jikuagou led to statistically significant increases in couple communication and family planning use. Importantly, the pilot results signaled that positive social norms related to family planning use were indeed significantly linked to talking about, seeking, and using family planning, affirming the value of the social network approach.


TJ, Tekponon Jikuagou, scale up, scale-up, scaling up, scaleup, social network mapping, pilot results, scale-up results, social network diffusion approach

Resource Snapshot

Publisher IRH

Year 2017

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