FACT Project’s EDEAN Solution

EDEAN’s Approach to Increasing Fertility Awareness and Demand for Family Planning in Karamoja, Uganda
Developed and tested as part of the FACT Project, EDEAN is a social and behavior change (SBC) intervention that effectively increased fertility awareness and demand for family planning in the Karamoja region of Uganda.
Grounded in formative research, EDEAN was piloted between 2016 and 2017 as a 6 month peer learning and community theatre intervention that could diffuse fertility awareness and family planning information among socially marginalized Karimojong communities. EDEAN was designed as a community group engagement approach, providing information that individuals could learn and apply to their own lives and diffuse among their social peers and networks.
EDEAN places collaboration with the community at the center of the intervention. In each community, a pair of trained Moderators facilitates gender-synchronized peer group meetings, rehearsals, and performances to 10 male and 10 female youths on four topics:
- Couple Communication
- Menstruation
- Fertility
- Family Planning.
After each set of peer group meetings and rehearsals, the peer group acts out moderated performances on each topic to share information and spark reflection about the content among community members. These dialogues center on deconstructing norms and beliefs around fertility awareness and family planning and diffusing this accurate knowledge throughout their community.
The EDEAN components were adjusted based on robust pre-testing and are now ready for further use and adaptation to other contexts. The EDEAN materials include: 1) a Facilitator Manual that highlights simple steps for organizing and facilitating group meetings, rehearsals and performances; 2) Activity Cards with instructions for implementing and facilitating activities; 3) Visual poster aids, and; 4) Reminder Cards accompanying each of the four topic modules. Additional materials related to trainings and orientation meetings with community leaders and service providers are also available upon request.
Watch the EDEAN micro-documentary. The video was filmed in Karamoja, highlighting EDEAN’s approach and community members’ experiences with the peer learning and community theatre model
Download the full Facilitator Manual English | Karamojong
Resources and Guidelines
Lights, camera, action! Learn how to be an effective theatre facilitator with these EDEAN Moderator’s Manual resources, guidelines and tips.
Download Resources and Guidelines Chapter English | Karamojong
Topic 1: Couples Conversation
The EDEAN Moderator’s Manual covers 4 topic modules on couple communication, menstruation, fertility and family planning. Get started with the first module on couple communication, which will walk you through how to facilitate peer group meetings, rehearsals and performances about couple communication.
Download Topic 1: Couples Conversation English | Karamojong
- Couples Conversation Poster English | Karamojong
- Couples Conversation Reminder Cards English | Karamojong
Topic 2: Menstruation
Topic 3: Fertility
Topic 4: Family Planning
This chapter shares facts and information about family planning methods, and provides guidance and instructions on catalyzing conversations about family planning information and use of services. Find out how to facilitate peer group learning, rehearsals and performance on family planning methods below.
Download Topic 4: Family Planning English | Karamojong
- Family Planning Methods Board English | Karamojong
- Family Planning Methods Reminder Cards English | Karamojong
- Family Planning Invitation Cards English | Karamojong
- Lactational Amenorrhea Method Poster English | Karamojong
- Lactational Amenorrhea Reminder Cards English | Karamojong