Masculinité, Famille, et Foi embodies gender equity and puts into practice new positive masculinities among couples. Uwezo Baghuma Lele, MFF implementer
The Masculinité, Famille, et Foi program aims to reduce intimate partner violence, increase shared couple decision-making, and improve voluntary family planning use.
Masculinité, Famille, et Foi (MFF) transforms social environments through a series of trainings, group discussions, and activities designed to spread intervention messaging into the community. To improve health and relationships among newly married couples and first-time parents, MFF guides faith leaders, young couples, and congregations to identify, create, and embrace social norms associated with positive masculine identities and gender-equitable behaviors. Simultaneously, the program promotes access to high-quality, youth-friendly health services through referrals.
Currently, MFF is being scaled up in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), within the Eglise du Christ au Congo network and in Rwanda through two local nongovernmental organizations.
Overview Resources
- Brief: Transforming Masculinities (English, French)
- Brief: Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Promising Shifts In Norms to Support Family Planning in Faith Communities (English, French)
- Brief: Intentional Youth Engagement in the Passages Project (English, French)
- Brief: Powerful Partnerships: Engaging Faith Leaders in Norms-Shifting Interventions
- Report: Lessons from Adapting the Transforming Masculinities Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Behavior Change Approach to Address Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Brief: Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Learnings from scaling up in two countries
- Tool: Community dialogues: Promoting respectful relationships and equitable communities (English, French)
- Report: Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Learnings from Scaling Up in Two Countries
Implementation Resources
Midline Ethnography
- Brief: Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Promising Shifts In Norms to Support Family Planning in Faith Communities
- Report: Transforming Masculinities: Endline Quantitative Report
- Report: Masculinité, Famille et Foi: Post Endline Qualitative Study
- Report: Masculinite, Famille, et Foi End of Project Report
- Report: Research Brief: Exploring the Pathways to Improve Couple Communication about Family Planning in a Norms-shifting Intervention in Kinshasa, DRC
For additional information, visit the website of our partner, Tearfund.