Girma Project

The Institute for Reproductive Health provides technical assistance to integrate fertility awareness-based methods service delivery and contextually adapt GrowUp Smart curriculum into the Girma project.
As a sub-grantee to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) under a USAID-supported project in Niger, the Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) at Georgetown University provides technical assistance for the integration of fertility awareness-based methods (FAM) service delivery and the contextual adaptation of GrowUp Smart (GUS) curriculum into the Girma project. Girma, which means “dignity, prestige, and growth” in Hausa, the local language, seeks to reach 900,000 participants in 500 communities across 11 communes in two departments of Zinder, Magaria and Dungass in Niger. This project uses a multi-sectoral, layered, participatory, and sensitive approach to gender, youth, persons with disabilities (PWD), and climate change. IRH is implementing and documenting a strategic approach for introducing and scaling-up FAM activities closely linked to CRS’ couple strengthening approach in Niger through CRS’ ongoing and planned activities. IRH’s work under this project will lead to the following anticipated outcomes:
- Improved capacity of SMART Couples and health professional FAM trainers, FAM providers at the facility level, and SMART Couple FAM providers at the community level
- Improved capacity of GUS facilitators and trainers
- Improved awareness of SMART Couple FAM options in selected Girma areas
- Increased uptake of SMART Couple FAM options in selected Girma areas
- Enhanced youth and adolescents’ sense of efficacy
- Improved integration of FAM into Girma’s family planning strategy and GoN national family planning strategy
- Improved integration of GUS activities into Girma’s gender strategy