Advancing Understanding
The Passages Project helped advance understanding of the importance of social norms and norms-shifting interventions. Central to this work was fostering a better understanding of social norms and their role in behavior-change programming and expanding this understanding into sectors beyond health, where social norms often receive less attention.
Passages was a founder and steering member of the Social Norms Learning Collaborative, a global community seeking evidence and best practices for social norms research and implementation. With the Learning Collaborative and in our project-specific work, we worked to harmonize social norms language, identifying influential social norms across sectors, and advancing understanding of how to effect impactful and ethical normative change.

Shifting Social Norms With the Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET)
The Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET) helps to identify how social norms influence actions and behaviors in community-based programming. This video provides an overview of SNET and the five steps it utilizes to conduct a social norms exploration through guidance and exercises.
Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET) (English, French)
The Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET) includes a participatory guide and set of tools to translate theory into practical guidance to inform a social norms exploration.
Learn MorePassages’ Social Norms Training Curriculum
The Passages Project's five-module social norms training curriculum explores social norms concepts, program approaches, and the benefits and challenges of engaging in normative change efforts. Participants will consider what their projects are doing and can do to address normative shifts, what they can hope to accomplish within project timeframes, and the types of partnerships needed to facilitate such work.
Social Norms Lexicon
The Social Norms Lexicon facilitates a shared understanding of the vocabulary used in social norms work. The resource provides definitions and examples of terms commonly used in social norms practice and research.
Learn MoreThe Social Norms Atlas
The Social Norms Atlas aims to promote understanding of social norms knowledge, vocabulary, and concepts across ten sectors. This resource for program implementers, researchers, and, evaluators provides a high-level overview of illustrative, sector-specific social norms and related behaviors and attitudes as well as cross-sector analysis highlighting meta-norms important in different sectors.
Learn MoreThe Passages Social Norms Across Sectors Activity
This activity, undertaken with support from the USAID Office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, or GenDev, examines why social norms matter in different arenas—and how they can change. It provides insight into social norms across sectors, including a landscaping of approaches, three case studies, a rapid desk review of social norms approaches within selected health areas, and an evidence slide deck for approaches related to women’s economic empowerment and intimate partner violence. These resources provide evidence and recommendations for best practices, lessons learned, and insights for new programs with a social norms-shifting component.
Learn MoreYouth, Social Norms, and Key Behaviors in Reproductive Health, Education, and Family Violence
These behavior studies contribute to the evidence base of the global community to strengthen normative environments that support reproductive health and well-being, among very young adolescents, older adolescents and young adults.
Learn More[Webinar] Situating Social Norms within Behavior Change Initiatives: Advancing Understanding
In this September 2021 webinar, speakers from and outside of the Passages spoke on the project’s legacy of Advancing Understanding of social norms. We shared the progress we've made grappling with questions such as: What is a social norm? How do norms influence behaviors? Do norms matter for behavior change? Does my intervention shift norms?
Watch HereA Shortcut up the Learning Curve: Lessons from the Passages Project on Implementing Norms-Shifting Interventions
This brief collates 15 cross-cutting key lessons for practitioners interested in implementing community-based norms-shifting interventions.
Learn MoreWhat’s Next for Social Norms? Passages’ Priorities for Future Investments
This brief outlines six resource priorities that groups interested in investing in norms-shifting interventions would benefit from prioritizing in their strategies.
Learn MoreThe Passages Project: Final Report
The final report of the Passages Project presents the legacy contributions of our work towards mapping the why, what, and how of norms-shifting interventions as a pathway to improved adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.
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