Decision-making tool for family planning clients and providers
This flipchart is a decision-making aid for clients, a job-aid and reference manual for providers; and a training resource. With one page for the client and a corresponding page for providers, it has helpful pictures, key points and detailed reference information covering 14 family planning methods. It includes medical eligibility criteria, side-effects, when to start and how to use each method.
Keywords: lactational amenorrhea method, LAM, MAMA, MDF, MELA, methode de l’allaitement maternel et de l’amenorrhee, Methode des Jours Fixes, Metodo de Dias Fijos, Metodo de Lactancia y Amenorrea, MJF, SDM, Standard Days Method, World Health Organization, WHO, French, Spanish, Herramienta de toma de decisiones para clientes y proveedores de planificación familiar, Outil d’aide à la prise de décision à l’usage des clients et des prestataires de la planification familiale
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Resource Snapshot
Publisher World Health Organization
Year 2005