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Process for Integrating the Standard Days Method into Services: Essential Steps

Programs need to undertake a number of steps to ensure that SDM is successfully introduced and made part of regular family planning services. These actions include:

  • Building provider capacity to screen and offer the method to clients;
  • Incorporating SDM into on-going supervision systems to ensure service quality;
  • Generating awareness about SDM within the context of informed choice;
  • Ensuring that CycleBeads are available where services are offered;
  • Collecting data on SDM clients and services for reporting and management purposes; and
  • Creating a supportive environment to facilitate sustainability.

This brief covers the essential steps in detail.

Keywords: Collar del Ciclo, Collier du Cycle, cyclebeads, MDF, Methode des Jours Fixes, Metodo de Dias Fijos, MJF, Standard Days Method, Le processus pour intégrer et maintenir la Methode des Jours Fixes dans les services de santé reproductive : Les etapes essentielles, Condiciones Esenciales para la Integracion y Sostenibilidad del Metodo de Dias Fijos en los Servicios de Salud Reproductiva

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