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Passages Project: Theory of Change

This document presents the Theory of Change guiding the norms-shifting interventions encompassed by the Passages Project.  The Passages Theory of Change  reflects core elements and mechanisms across Passages interventions and studies, including: Transforming Masculinities/Masculinité, Famille et Foi  in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Growing Up Great!/Bien Grandir! in the DRC; Husbands’ Schools/École des Maris in Niger; and Girls’ Holistic Development/Développement Holistique des Filles  in Senegal.

The Passages Theory of Change was designed through a review of the literature and reflection on individual Passages intervention Theories of Change . The Passages Theory of Change provides a comprehensive illustration of how and why the project goal of improved family planning, reproductive health, and well-being among young people is expected to result from the interventions.

A brief summarizing the main points of this report is also available.

Resource Snapshot

Year 2020

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