Report: Pragati Proof of Concept Results
As a part of the Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT) Project, the Pragati “Fertility Awareness for Quality of Life” intervention aims to increase fertility awareness and family planning use through existing community networks in five districts of Nepal. As a package of nine learning games followed by discussions, Pragati is being implemented in Nepal to diffuse fertility awareness and family planning information and to facilitate community discussions around social and gender norms that inhibit family planning use.
This report describes Pragati’s proof of concept phase, carried out in August and September 2016. The main objective of the proof of concept was to determine the feasibility and acceptability of the Pragati games and materials in the five districts. This report summarizes the findings based on the experience of stakeholders who implemented the games in their communities and expands on the changes made to game materials before the roll-out of the intervention in the pilot phase.
Bajura, Nuwakot, Pyuthan, Rupandehi, and Siraha districts, games, menstrual cycle, Hot Potato, Agree/Disagree, Menstrual Cycle, Son/Daughter, Side Effects Puzzle, Side Effect Method Match, Role Play, Story Bag, fertility awareness games
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Publisher IRH, Save the Children
Year 2017