Report: WALAN Proof of Concept Results
As a part of the Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT) Project, the Wake ki Lago Nywal (WALAN) “Be Proud with Family Planning” intervention aims to increase fertility awareness (FA) and expand access to and uptake of fertility awareness-based methods (FAM) of family planning (FP) through existing community groups in Northern Uganda.
This report describes WALAN’s three month proof of concept phase, which was conducted from October 2015 to January 2016. During the proof of concept phase, eight pairs of facilitators were trained and delivered WALAN community learning and group counseling sessions across eight villages in the districts of Gulu and Nwoya, Uganda. The proof of concept tested the delivery of a group learning counseling model provided directly at the community level in Uganda. This report answers the following three assessment questions:
- Can trained youth facilitators implement the WALAN community learning and group counseling session activities?
- Can participants learning about FAM through a group counseling session in their community gain the knowledge to use SDM and TwoDay Method correctly?
- What are community and participants’ perceptions and acceptability of WALAN activities?
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Publisher IRH, Save the Children
Year 2016