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Transforming Masculinities: Endline Quantitative Report

This report presents the results of an endline quantitative study conducted from November 2018 – February 2019. The intervention focuses on social norms and centers on religious leaders and faith communities in order to increase voluntary family planning (FP) use and reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) among newly married couples (NMC) and first-time parents (FTP).

The results indicate that the MFF change strategies – engaging faith-based networks in critical reflection around norms related to FP – are likely leading to improvements in voluntary use of modern contraception and intermediate outcomes related to FP and modern contraceptive use among NMC and FTP. However, findings related to IPV, gender, and diffusion are more mixed. We will be following up these quantitative findings with additional qualitative research to better interpret some of the unexpected findings.

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Year 2020

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