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[Webinar] Costing of Social Norms Interventions

This webinar covered case examples and guidance for key steps, challenges, and solutions for costing of social norm interventions. Panelists presented case studies from the Reaching Married Adolescents, SASA!, Transforming Masculinities and Growing Up Great! interventions and discussed the Costing of Social Norm Interventions Primer developed through the Passages Project

About the panelists:

Prashant Bharadwaj is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of California, San Diego. His research interests are in development and labor economics, with a focus on the interactions between early childhood health, gender, and education. His research affiliations include BREAD, CEGA, CERP and the NBER. He is currently an Associate Editor at Economic Development and Cultural Change and the Journal of Development Economics. He received his BA in Economics from the University of Chicago and his PhD from Yale University.
Sergio Torres-Rueda is a Research Fellow in Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). He works on economic evaluation of HIV and gender-based violence. He is currently working on the DfID-funded What Works to Prevent Violence project and is tasked with organizing data collection and carrying out economic evaluations for two community-based violence-prevention interventions alongside trials in Ghana and Rwanda. Originally from Colombia, Mr. Torres-Rueda has an interdisciplinary background. He has a BA in Political Science and Sociology from Columbia University in New York and an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. He is currently doing his doctoral work at the LSHTM on valuation of volunteer labor in violence-prevention interventions.
Christine Michaels-Igbowke is a Health Economist with more than ten years of experience working in fields related to public health and health promotion among children, youth, and vulnerable populations, including people living with HIV and women and girls at risk of intimate partner violence in low-income settings. Dr Michaels-Igbokwe conducted the cost-effectiveness analysis of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention to reduce intimate partner violence in Kampala, Uganda and has worked with the What Works program reviewing approaches to scaling up VAWG programming and assess value for money in violence prevention. She has also worked with the VAWG Helpdesk, providing input into the UK Department for International Development budgeting process for VAWG scale up.
Jennifer Gayles is an Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Specialist at Save the Children, where she provides technical assistance for programs in DRC, Haiti, Indonesia and Mali. Her portfolio includes support for the Growing Up GREAT! intervention under the Passages Project, as well as integration of promising normative change approaches into Sponsorship programming in Mali. Prior to joining Save the Children, Ms. Gayles managed GrowUp Smart, a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded puberty education initiative in Rwanda, and Tékponon Jikuagou, a USAID-funded family planning project, at Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health. Prior to that, she lived and traveled throughout West Africa supporting Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program.
Francesca Quirke is Tearfund’s SGBV Integration Programme Officer, and is based in London. Since February 2016, Francesca has supported the Masculinité, Famille et For intervention under the Passages Project as part of her remit of coordinating Tearfund’s faith-based approaches to GBV response and prevention. Francesca is currently completing a Masters program on Gender and Development at the London School of Economics’ Gender Institute.
Rick Homan, PhD is a health economist with over nineteen years of experience in operations research of health service delivery, including family planning, STI prevention and treatment services, and HIV/AIDS programs. He has extensive experience in the evaluation of clinical and community-based service delivery initiatives, assessing the cost-effectiveness of interventions and assessing the cost of program scale-up. Currently Prof. Homan is supporting the Passages Project in the evaluation of two interventions in the DRC. He has a PhD from The University of Michigan and is an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


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