Social Marketing Quarterly features IRH case study

“The Potential for Social Marketing a Knowledge-Based Family Planning Method”, authored by Justine Kavle, Maxine Eber, and Rebecka Lundgren, was published in Social Marketing Quarterly (SMQ), an international peer-review journal produced by FHI360.
In the search for solutions to the global burden of unmet need for family planning, one opportunity is to offer methods through the private sector, extending access beyond the traditional, public health system. Social marketing is one solution, and it has significantly improved access to a variety of health commodities around the world, including contraceptives.
With the support of our partner, PSI, CycleBeads® have successfully reached women in need of family planning through social marketing. Results from a new peer-reviewed article demonstrate the potential for selling CycleBeads, the visual tool used with the Standard Days Method®, through pharmacies in several countries across Africa.
The article documents the evidence for this proven private sector strategy and offers guidance to those seeking to include CycleBeads in their social marketing program.