Enhancing Evaluation
The Passages Project worked to build the evidence base and contribute to the capacity of the global community for enhanced evaluation of norms-shifting approaches and interventions. In furthering this work, we supported and built upon a suite of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methods exploring social norms and reproductive behaviors. These methods ranged from participatory and qualitative techniques for low-literate and very young adolescent populations to randomized controlled trial quantitative surveys that developed, tested, and validated social norms scales related to reproductive health outcomes. In addition, Passages distilled and shared evidence and fostered dialogue on integration, measurement, and evaluation of norms-shifting interventions with the larger community.

Costing of Norms-Shifting Interventions: Five Insights for Program Implementers
This webinar covered case examples and guidance for key steps, challenges, and solutions for costing of social norm interventions. Panelists presented case studies from the Reaching Married Adolescents, SASA!, Transforming Masculinities, and Growing Up GREAT! interventions and discussed the Costing of Social Norm Interventions Primer developed through the Passages Project.
Costing of Norms-Shifting Interventions: A Primer From the Passages Project (English, French)
This primer is intended to be a resource to implementers of behavior- and norms-shifting interventions providing guidance on the process of assessing intervention cost. It includes information on decisions that must be made when developing cost estimates and guidance on how to use cost information to support other analyses.
Learn MoreCosting Norms-Shifting Interventions: Five Insights for Program Implementers (English, French)
This brief summarizes learnings from two costing studies undertaken by the Passages Project. It highlights five insights on the key benefits derived from costing these programs, which may provide guidance for programs implementing behavior- and norm-shifting interventions.
Learn MoreResources for Measuring Social Norms: A Practical Guide for Program Implementers
This resource aims to provide guidance on how to approach measuring social norms and when different approaches may be most useful, and also includes examples of how to collect data based on accepted measurement approaches. It serves as a complement to the social norms measurement tools now publicly available on the Map of Social Norms-focused Projects and their Measurement Approaches.
Learn More[Webinar] Past, Present, and Future: Reflections on Social Norms Measurement from the Passages Project
In this February 2022 webinar, we shared measurement learnings from the Passages Project‘s seven years of contributing to advances in the social norms field. In addition, experts from within and beyond Passages gathered to reflect on the current state of social norms measurement, share experiences, and discuss promising approaches.
Watch HereSocial Norms Research Agenda
The Social Norms Research Agenda is a consensus-driven research agenda to address evidence gaps related to social norms-shifting for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy among adolescents and youth in low- and middle-income countries. It builds on the work of Passages over the last seven years to continue to build practical evidence on social norms approaches to improve adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.
Learn MoreThe Passages Project: Final Report
The final report of the Passages Project presents the legacy contributions of our work towards mapping the why, what, and how of norms-shifting interventions as a pathway to improved adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health.
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